Home Tech How To Check Bluetooth Radio Status Not Fixed?-Solved!

How To Check Bluetooth Radio Status Not Fixed?-Solved!

check bluetooth radio status
check bluetooth radio status

How To Check Bluetooth Radio Status Not Fixed? If you’re seeing the message “Bluetooth radio status not fixed,” don’t worry – our expert guide has got you covered.

In this article, we’ll show you how to troubleshoot common Bluetooth connectivity issues step-by-step, including how to check Bluetooth settings, update drivers, troubleshoot hardware problems, use the Windows troubleshooter, and more.

Check Bluetooth Settings

Bluetooth radio transmission and reception allow devices to communicate. It can be extremely beneficial in mobile phone scenarios that lack headphone jacks or laptops without built-in Wi-Fi connectivity; however, issues can sometimes arise with its settings on computers that hinder its functionality, leading to frustration when trying to use devices like this one.

By following the simple steps below, you can quickly check your Bluetooth settings and make sure your devices are set for optimum Bluetooth performance.

Bluetooth SettingsDescription
Bluetooth on/offCheck if Bluetooth is turned on in your device settings.
Pairing modeEnsure your device is in pairing mode if you’re trying to connect a new device.
VisibilityMake sure your device is set to “discoverable” so that other devices can find it.
Device nameCheck that your device name is correct to avoid confusion when connecting with other devices.
Connected devicesReview the list of devices that your Bluetooth is connected to and ensure that they are functioning correctly.
Audio settingsCheck that your audio settings are configured to use Bluetooth as the default audio output.
Check Bluetooth Radio Status

If the issue continues, rebooting your device may help clear any corrupted system files and restore Bluetooth functionality. Furthermore, using a tool for updating Bluetooth drivers might be useful as well.

If your BIOS is older than that released by your manufacturer, it could be causing Bluetooth driver issues. Updating it might help, though be sure to do it cautiously and only if there is an explicit safe mode available from them; alternatively, you could also consider using an automated driver updater program, which can save both time and hassle!

Checking the Bluetooth radio status may seem like a small task, but it can make a huge difference in the overall user experience. With the right troubleshooting techniques, anyone can ensure a stable Bluetooth connection and avoid the frustration of an unreliable device.

check bluetooth radio status

Update Bluetooth Drivers

Today, many people prefer Bluetooth earphones over conventional ones because of their convenience and wireless capabilities. You can connect them wirelessly with smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices without tethers; however, their drawback is that outdated drivers could cause connectivity issues with some devices, leading to error messages such as “Check Radio Status Not Fixed“.

To Update Bluetooth Drivers;

  • Go to the Device Manager.
  • Find the Bluetooth category and expand it.
  • Right-click on your Bluetooth device and select “Update Driver.”
  • Choose the option to automatically search for updated driver software.

Fixing Bluetooth drivers through Device Manager. Simply open Device Manager, expand the Bluetooth option, click the Update Driver Button, and follow on-screen instructions; or choose “Browse My Computer For Driver Software,” where Windows will identify and install any required updates automatically.

If this doesn’t help, try reinstalling drivers or using a utility that detects and updates outdated ones. Another solution would be to use Windows Troubleshooter, which can often address various issues, or the DISM command for file repair via the command prompt with administrator privileges.

Restart Bluetooth Services

Restart Bluetooth Services

A software glitch could be causing the Check Bluetooth Radio Status Not Fixed error on your Windows 10 PC. This error typically appears when trying to add Bluetooth devices or printers through the System Tray, but an OS feature blocks this process from occurring. This issue also often arises with older Windows versions due to internal hardware issues or outdated drivers.

To restart Bluetooth services;

  • Press the Windows key + R.
  • Type “services.msc” and press Enter.
  • Locate the Bluetooth Support Service and right-click it.
  • Select “Restart” from the drop-down menu.

Restarting the Bluetooth services may resolve the issue and allow devices to reconnect again. To do so, press Windows + X keys together to open up the Power User menu; from there, select “Device Manager,” right-click the Bluetooth option, and then “Update driver” from the context menu.

Troubleshoot hardware Issues

If you’re experiencing issues with your Bluetooth radio status, it’s possible that the problem could be related to hardware. Check all of your hardware connections and ensure that everything is properly plugged in before starting to troubleshoot. If your Bluetooth radio still won’t connect, you may need to consider replacing the hardware.

Another common hardware issue is outdated Bluetooth drivers, which can cause instability in the connection. It’s important to regularly check for driver updates to ensure optimal performance. If you’ve already checked and updated your drivers but still experience issues with your Bluetooth connection, you may need to consider seeking professional assistance or contacting the manufacturer of your device.

In addition to checking hardware connections and drivers, it’s important to also check for any physical damage to your device. If your device has been dropped or exposed to water, it could cause issues with the Bluetooth connection. If this is the case, you may need to take your device to a repair shop or consider replacing it altogether.

Remember, hardware issues can be frustrating and time-consuming to solve, but by following these troubleshooting techniques, you can resolve any issues with your Bluetooth radio status and get back to enjoying a reliable connection.

Use Windows Troubleshooter

Use Windows Troubleshooter

Whenever your Bluetooth symbol shows blue but there’s no signal, something could be in its path preventing a connection from being made. It could be something physical, like an object blocking it or devices too far apart; try moving them closer together or clearing away any obstacles between them; if that fails, try using a range extender as an alternative solution.

Windows’ troubleshooter can help you quickly diagnose issues with your Bluetooth adapter, located within the Control Panel under “View All Control Panel Items”. Likewise, make sure all drivers are up-to-date; if not, use Bit Driver Updater.

If these tips and solutions have failed to resolve the status of your Bluetooth radio, it may be wise to reach out for support. They can assess whether the problem is caused by hardware or software and suggest appropriate solutions. Additionally, they will also inform you if a similar problem might occur in the future.

Reset Bluetooth Adapter

At present, most smartphones do not contain headphone jacks and instead depend on Bluetooth to connect with other devices. Unfortunately, however, Bluetooth devices can sometimes fail to pair with another device or simply stop working due to hardware issues. If this occurs for you, restarting your Bluetooth adapter may help; otherwise, you can try other troubleshooting strategies.

If these steps fail to address your problem, updating drivers could be the answer. A driver updating tool like Bit Driver Updater makes this process easy; it automatically updates all your drivers for you, ensuring they remain up-to-date.

If you need assistance installing the latest driver on your computer, visit its manufacturer’s website for instructions. Likewise, ensure your BIOS settings are correct by pressing a key assigned by your manufacturer when booting up and accessing its BIOS menu; here you should be able to locate a setting controlling Bluetooth radios.

Check for Interference

Interference among Bluetooth devices can cause audio to stutter or skip tracks, creating an irritating experience when listening to music, talking on the phone, or working out. If your Bluetooth device is experiencing interference, there are a few solutions you can try in order to address it.

Bluetooth technology uses the radio frequency range of 2.4 GHz to communicate with other devices. Numerous other wireless devices, including Wi-Fi routers, cordless phones, Zigbee devices, and smart home appliances, share this frequency band, and they compete for the same 2.4 GHz spectrum, interfering with Bluetooth signals.

Bluetooth devices use a radio frequency hopping pattern that regularly changes transmission channels across 79 1-MHz channels at 1600 times per second in order to minimize interference and avoid two devices accidentally occupying the same channel; however, overlapped transmissions can still disrupt data packets. If your Bluetooth device is experiencing interference issues, try moving it closer to your router or eliminating other wireless devices in its vicinity.

Verify compatibility With Devices

If your Bluetooth device is having difficulty connecting with other devices, using a range extender could help strengthen its connection. Also, ensure it is paired and its toggle switch is set to “on“.

If the issue persists, it could be related to an impending Windows update. Pressing Windows+T and typing “troubleshoot“, select Troubleshoot (system settings) from the list of programs, then follow any on-screen instructions provided to run and resolve any potential issues with the troubleshooter.

Update your Bluetooth driver on your computer to resolve this issue and ensure stable communication between your Bluetooth adapter and operating system. To do so, open Device Manager, expand the Universal Serial Bus controllers section, right-click the Bluetooth option, then click the Update Driver option, before right-clicking again to select the Update Driver option and updating, as Windows will search automatically for the latest driver version and install it.


After exploring different methods to check and troubleshoot the Bluetooth radio status, it is evident that a variety of factors can cause instability. Updating Bluetooth drivers, restarting services, troubleshooting hardware issues, and disabling power-saving mode are all effective solutions to try. However, if none of these options work, it may be necessary to reset the Bluetooth adapter or check for interference.

It is also essential to verify the compatibility of devices to ensure a stable connection. In summary, checking and maintaining Bluetooth radio status requires a combination of technical knowledge, patience, and perseverance. By following these methods, users can troubleshoot and fix any issues they may encounter with Bluetooth connections.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check the Bluetooth radio status on my device?

You can check the Bluetooth radio’s status by navigating to the Bluetooth settings on your device and looking for the status indicator.

What should I do if the Bluetooth radio status is not fixed?

You can try updating the Bluetooth drivers, restarting Bluetooth services, troubleshooting hardware issues using Windows Troubleshooter, resetting the Bluetooth adapter, checking for interference, verifying compatibility with devices, or disabling power-saving mode.

Why does the Bluetooth radio status sometimes become unstable?

The Bluetooth radio status can become unstable due to outdated drivers, software conflicts, interference from other devices, or hardware issues.

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